A quick guide to Server-Side Rendering

A quick guide to Server-Side Rendering


2 min read

What is Server-Side Rendering (SSR)?

  • It is a phenomenon where the web page is prebuilt by the Server instead of building it when the client visits the page.

Why do we need SSR?

  • The main advantage is that because the web page is prebuilt on the server, the time taken to load the website reduces drastically.

    Average User spends just 3-5 seconds on a particular page

  • Hence we need to make sure that as soon as the client opens the page, he/she must see some content already loaded.
  • It also increases SEO performance as when the Google web crawlers come, they can see the entire page otherwise they will have to wait which drops the SEO score.

How to implement SSR in Next.js?

  • We can make an async-await function getServerSideProps which returns the pre-rendered data in the form of props as the name suggests.
  • Then we can use this data in components by passing props to that component.


export async function getServerSideProps() {
     const result = await fetch("https://...api_data");
     const data = await result.json();

          props: {
             data,  // data: data can also be written as only data
                       // Here in the object data is stored as key-value pairs


export default function App({ data }){
 // Some Code

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